Sunday, November 29, 2009

Still Life

Memorials line the streets of DC, publicly recognizing the children who have died before their time. Ever since I have moved to DC two years ago I have been amazed by these public tributes, mostly mourning children and youth who have died violent deaths. These still life shots show how communities rally together to show that these deaths will not go on ignored.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008


I also had a short foray into the audio documentary world, so this link will take you to a page that my and all my classmate's audio documentaries are posted. Click on the link and scroll down to read the explanation and listen to the piece.


Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is another project I completed my senior year at Duke.  It is titled "Reflections" because I was trying to process my college experience through reflection on the past four years as I lived with five of my best girl friends.  Whether reflections of myself or moments in time, these photographs helped me preserve that chaos and clutter that accompanied our friendships, living space, and life experiences. We were at a point in our lives where we didn't know what was ahead, so we continued to live inseparably in the moment.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The following project is titled "Disapiers; The Disappearance of North Carolina Fishing Piers." I completed it my senior year at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. I spent a year driving around, photographing, and interviewing in the coastal region of NC, exploring these jutting wooden structures primarily used for public access fishing, complimented by tourists trying to snag a glimpse of someone's big catch. These structures, however, are being bought and torn down in place of high- rise hotels and condos because of their prime beach front real estate. This is a photographic essay celebrating these pieces of southern culture and community.